Welcome to Pax Creations!
I am Deacon Bill Scarmardo. I was ordained a Catholic Deacon in 2000 for the Diocese of Austin in the state of Texas, and I serve at the parish I grew up in, Saint Anthony of Padua Catholic Church in Bryan, Texas. I am an architect by trade. Although I earned a Bachelor of Environmental Design and a Master of Architecture degree at Texas A&M University I was always fascinated by the creativity and craftsmanship that jewelry-making provided. So, when I was studying Architecture I took some jewelry-making courses as an elective. When I graduated I took a position with an architectural firm, but I also contracted with a jewelry store to make custom Jewelry for their customers. When my son was born, the extra time I had was quickly consumed, so I decided to quit making jewelry to have more time with my family.
In the Austin Diocese, deacons don’t wear clerics. So, when I was ordained, I was looking for a ministry cross to wear when I was doing ministry in the prison, hospital, and around church, so the public would know that I was a deacon. At that time there were not a lot of choices. There were a few inexpensive crosses that were stamped metal with a painted stole. But none that reflected the true richness of what the vocation and ministry portray.
So, I designed and made my cross. I had several fellow deacons ask me if I would make them a cross. At that time my children were grown, and my wife told me that I should get back into jewelry making again. So, I created four crosses that artistically reflected the ministry and I called them the St. Stephen’s Collection. I then bought an ad in Deacon Digest and Pax Creations was born.

In nearly two decades of making and creating pieces for the diaconate community, Pax Creations has grown to have over 100 deacon-related pieces of jewelry. I have been commissioned to create custom pieces from pectoral crosses for bishops and Cardinals to custom rings and crosses for priests and deacons; countless religious pieces for deacon’s wives, engaged couples, First Communion and Confirmation, and pocket crosses and rosary items. Two of the many honors I have had serving fellow religious was a pectoral Cross for Cardinal Dolan {You can click on his picture on the left and see the detail and read his very gracious thank you card) and another Cross for Cardinal O Malley.
Every piece I sell is handmade to order. I consider Pax Creations a ministry and I use my Architecture practice to subsidize it so, I can provide quality handmade pieces at a reasonable price for my fellow deacons.
It would be a great honor to create a piece for you, whether you are a Deacon, a Deacon’s wife, or someone looking for a special gift with distinctly Catholic meaning for First Communion or Confirmation. I’m also glad to make you something special as a Priest or anybody in love with Our Lord, from wedding rings to pendants, earrings, charms, cufflinks and tie tacks, and pocket crosses that share your Christian joy in a meaningful and beautiful way.
Please browse all of our offerings in the categories to the left or visit the online shop, where we have been doing business on the Internet securely for more than a decade. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed and we sell and ship to just about anywhere. And please look over our comments and reviews, so you don’t have to take just my word for it!
Please contact me with any questions. I am truly happy to serve The Lord by serving you!
May the Lord continue to bless you, and may you always be aware of the abundance of His blessings in your life,
Deacon Bill